I'm taking part in a 1-month blogging challenge from Health Central's migraine group. Today's blog - What's the best tip I can offer for having some summer fun despite Migraines?
Although some migrainers have triggers that change from season to season, some don't. I tend to think mine are worse in the spring and summer. But, that doesn't mean summer is a lost joy. At least not all the time.
The best tip I can offer is to have your fun with a back-up plan for migraine onset. Easy to say, sometimes much harder to do. But some things that help me in the summer when I'm enjoying fun with friends, especially on day trips or overnight trips, are -
-either driving myself so I can leave early if I start to feel off, or riding with someone who understands that we may need to leave
-finding ways to stay cool (overheating is one of my triggers), putting an instant cold pack or gel cooling headache patch in my purse can really make a difference
-if I'm really concerned, bringing a travel eye mask & ear plugs with me - these really help to cushion my senses if they are tense. There have been concerts that I've been able to continue to enjoy when I've felt a migraine coming if I can take meds quickly enough and wear earplugs.
-making sure to keep my blood sugar up, maybe bringing some protein bars
-giving myself time & permission to nap if I'm overtired from travel
Just a few ideas!
National Migraine Awareness Month is initiated by the National Headache Foundation. The Blogger's Challenge is initiated by www.FightingHeadacheDisorders.com.
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