So, the other morning, I let Sean out, and he glanced into the 5 gallon bucket next to the side door. He usually ignores it, so I also looked in. Lo and behold, a tiny possum! He was the size of a guinea pig, and for a possum, was actually cute with his giant black eyes and his crinkly ears.
Somehow, he'd fallen into the bucket over night and got trapped.
I think I now have a reason to suspect possums as part of the crew who have been hauling off my produce before I pick it!
I snapped this pic and then laid the bucket down so he could find his way home. I think he was too young to even know how to play possum! While I was looking at him, he just looked at me with those glossy eyes. I couldn't help thinking he'd make a great Beatrix Potter character.
Hmmm, are you the one who keeps eating my tomatoes and peppers?
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