Here is my parakeet Kerry perched on the stack of books I bought yesterday at McKay's - a new-to-me used bookstore with books, audio books, CDs, DVDs, and games.
My friends Juli and Charity have raved about McKay's to me, (especially about their low prices) and although I couldn't visualize where it was located, I got in the car with hope on Sunday after church to find the land of bargain books.
I've pined for Half Price Books ever since I left Austin - it's where I went regularly to build my book & CD collection and forage for interesting gifts. So I was really excited to go check out this wonderland for bibliophiles. I've been getting really into reading again lately. This has only been spurred on as I've begun to read Nick Hornby's A Polysyllabic Spree (a MUST for book addicts). And, I had a few gifts I was looking for. That was my excuse. Wink, wink.
Most of the books in this pile were only 75 cents! The more popular or rare books by popular authors go up to around $6 or more. The CDs were less of a value - most were around $8 or $9, even old CDs, as long as they aren't scratched. I happened to find these three for $3 or less each, and they weren't scratched (Poi Dog Pondering, anyone?).
After three hours of browsing, my eyes crossed and my stomach shriveled with hunger, I finally made my way to the check out desk even though I hadn't seen half the store. And I still don't understand where to find most of the modern authors I am familiar with, like Jasper Fforde, Nick Hornby, Ian Samson, etc. The young adult section was pretty picked over - no luck for hardback Trixie Belden (a red-haired, independent, fiesty, horse-loving girl detective with the same initials - TB - as me) and Walter Farley (The Black Stallion series) titles which I have a growing collection of.
Of the stack I did purchase, I did buy three books to give as gifts - each one an old-fashioned treasure and I'm very excited to give! And the book I'm most interested in reading right away is Making Peace With Your Thighs: Get Off the Scales and Get On with Your Life. I spend way too much mental energy on body image. Maybe this will be a good "mental makeover".
They have a strong writing section worth checking out every so often. I allowed myself to splurge on a $6 copy of the book Rules of Thumb: 71 Authors Reveal Their Fiction Writing Fixations - a surefire book to generate creativity. It has great illustrations throughout as eye candy and further inspiration. And I love the happy green cover!
Best of all, there is still lots more to explore on other visits. Be sure to go - and bring a box or two to haul away your newfound treasures!
(Oh, and they also buy or trade books, cds, etc. That is on the agenda for next time I go!)
The paradox of insular language
1 year ago
I love half price/recycled books, too. they have so much more character, and cheaper! :)
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